Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wind Chill Factor

Panning with back light. Frozen and warm. Wintry coat and a big bag.


SusuPetal said...

Big bags are necessity. I have to have in my bag money of course, my camera, my sketch book, hair clips, tissue, my mobile and hundreds of other things.

Mick said...

I was just going to ask, "what's in that BIG bag?" when Susu gave the answer. Now, let's have the complete inventory of those hundreds of things, please.

layers said...

Hi John, I have followed you here to your new blog -- with the apt title- I assume you survived the several feet of snow that fell after Christmas- my son who lives in NYC was home for the holidays and missed all that mess.. happy new year!

Irene said...

I don't think I would like a Big Bag. There would be to much chance for things to get lost in it forever and I would constantly be on a search. I prefer my smaller bag with handy compartments. I know where my wallet and mobile phone are.

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

I love the contrast between the weight of her dark jacket/big bag and the lively colours around her.