Great circular motion, the turnstyles keep on turning... Reminds me when tokens were a perfect circle. Do the token booths change to "metro card booths"? I'm glad you choose to keep the poetry.
Cheers and happy days to you.
BTW we made a whirlwind revolving weekend trip to NY, I have my metro card on a shelf to remind me that it wasn't a dream!
This website contains copyrighted material including but not limited to text, graphics, and photographs. The entire contents of this website (except lyrics, art and photographs attributed to others ) are copyrighted as a "collected work" under the United States copyright laws. Permission to modify the altered images or photographs or to use any image for commercial purpose must be negotiated with me in advance. Thank you.
There are those hovering lights again ... almost spooky in their way.
Where for art thou John?
Not streetwalking or beach walking I hope!
Great circular motion, the turnstyles keep on turning...
Reminds me when tokens were a perfect circle.
Do the token booths change to "metro card booths"?
I'm glad you choose to keep the poetry.
Cheers and happy days to you.
BTW we made a whirlwind revolving weekend trip to NY, I have my metro card on a shelf to remind me that it wasn't a dream!
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