A lot of my images point down now - many accidental; because when I take picture I like to look at it and this camera waits so I rotate the BB and point the screen towards me before the pic is snapped.
Where the click button is makes it hard to take a horizontal picture with any discretion.
Summer is blasting past so quickly....so many photos these days have red. For the second time I also posy one form the subways since I consider it special. I have two tickets for US Open tennis and I love this tournament, but it is for me it signals the end of summer.
The new BB is not like the old BB. The key is not to try to recreate the BB images but to explore and mine what this new camera offers. So far it offers haphazard timing and it is hard to pan with it. But it finds beauty in chaos and makes one believe in good fortune.
LIRR trains were delayed yesterday so I rushed through my morning commute barely snapping any pics at Penn, evening commute similar as I got on train at last minute.
Pic bellow was one of few on the subway platform on 5th Av. and I like it so much I am also posting it here, also.
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