Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Forward March, No August

What is interesting as I experiment is that shots from the back, sort of what I did when I first used the first BB, are the ones most successful now.

Still shots are more random - more experimentation since the older stye of panning does not work, yet.

Loud click, no random flash.


Mick said...

Okay then, but what happened to August?

Irene said...

What do you mean, what happened to August? It's still July.

Mick said...

It seems that "Forward March, No August" is a mystery, Nora. One that only John can unravel.

Irene said...

Yes, I see, maybe John is taking August off.

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

I love the bottom image, softeness and blurring.

Had this link

sent to me and thought you would enjoy the bit where the man goes through the xray machines in custom with his camera still on:)